
Advocare Reviews - A Critical Look At Advocare’s Business Model and Recruiting System

A Critical And Unbiased Review of Advocare.Charles E. Ragus founded the company Advocare in 1993. The company pioneers nutritional and weight loss products, which are the backbone Wholesale China to the business. As every person is well aware of, this market is flooded with lotions, potions and pills. So what makes this company so different than all of the others out there?They would say it’s the quality of their products, which are superb by the way. The truth is, dietary suppliments are a dime a dozen and it’s a stupidly competitive market. It’s most popular beverage is “Spark”. It’s one of those powders you pour into your water.MNS or Metabolic Nutrition System is Advocares Vitamin line. They are said to have 80 unique nutrients which claim to improve concentration, help gain joint mobility, bring down cholesterol, build muscle, etc.The company also brags that it’s sanctioned by athletes in the NBA, NFL and a number of olympic athletes. That is all great, it does it bring a little amount of credibility to your product line and the company,hoever, it doesn’t make you credible.Let’s face it, Advocare is in the Health and Wellness Business. They know how to market Advocare and that is what they teach their distributors to do, however in today’s day and time, it takes a little more than sales skills to form a big business. What is necessary is a world class internet marketing and lead generation system.Most distributers have a tough time marketing their product because they have not the slightest inkling about marketing. Attending trade shows, marketing your product at the local gym and showing up at flea markets with your product are so passe.You only have so many friends you can market to. Buying leads off geneology lists is so old school and very few people are good enough to close someone on a cold call.Walking your local grocery stores, stopping at every gas station in town to Iphone 4s Battery find your next prospect happens all too often. On Saturdays you make your rounds to the local Starbucks, then Home Depot of Lowes. So with all of this, how could anyone possibly make any money?Most don’t. If you count the number of Advocare Distributors and divide it by the number of people making more than $5K a month, you will clearly see that less than 1/10th of 1% of distributors are making any significant money. Don’t believe me? Read #4 . $40K a year after 2 years does not excite me, nor should it excite you, knowing that you should be bringing that in every month or two.Why do most network marketers fail? Because the cheese moved and they didn’t move to where the cheese is now. The web is where the action is today. Sure there are some old school “Hot Dog Marketers” out there that have been around since the 1980’s and have huge networks. The cold hard facts are, very few people can duplicate their efforts.Let the 1980’s be. I would way rather target my market online and laser in on the people that actually want to make some serious money rather than having to convince someone they need to have what I have to offer. Today, it’s all about positioning and branding yourself as a leader. Do that and people will chase you.All top earners in Advocare and every other MLM are using a system. The Internet allows you access to 2.5 billion folks online all over the planet. By means of a funded proposal lead generation system, auto-responders, blogs, web 2.0 an 3.0, we educate people how to leverage the internet.Business is all about leverage. If you are the system, you will be spinning your wheels for the rest of your life. Why not let the system spin your wheels and you leverage time. You see it’s not what you can do, it’s what you can duplicate. Network Marketing does not have to be hard, it’s people that make it that way.To Your Advocare Success,Joshua Boxer

